Category: HEALTH

  • Simple Ways To Keep Yourself Healthy. Deficiency of Vitamins


    There are days when you want to do many activities but don’t feel like doing them. Maybe because you are not feeling energetic enough. So you postpone the activity and days pass by.

    There is a lot of work piled up because you don’t feel like doing it now. You are a perfectionist  So you want to complete that work in your own way and you ask yourself some more time.

    Saying I will do it when I feel like doing it and then things will be done perfectly. But that day does not come. You are slowly dissatisfied with yourself. As time passes you don’t want to accept yourself the way you are.

    But you are helpless. You start feeling confused. You are unable to prioritize your work. You feel depressed and are not sure about yourself whether you will keep your word. Then you take time to make decisions. Sometimes forget that you promised to visit someone.  

    This may sometimes result in loneliness. You do not feel like meeting anyone. Because you do not have that energy. You think I don’t have anything to share.

    You may experience cramps in your stomach, irritable digestion, body pain, irritable eyesight, hair fall, and weight gain, but your reports are normal  Why does this happen to you? Is this common? should you neglect this? You know you need to exercise or go for a walk but you don’t act on it. Why?

    The reason is very simple.  a

    According to the updated  systematic evidence review for the U.S Preventive Services Task Force

    Consumption of Vitamin and mineral supplements is the primary treatment in prevention of Cardiovascular disease and cancer .

    So what are the reasons that you do not feel energetic? Is it true that this state ultimately leads to early aging and illness?

     Imbalanced poor diet .

    Eating the wrong things at the wrong times.

     Deficiency of essential nutrients in your body

    Insufficient portions of minerals, proteins, amino acids, carbs and vitamins

    Improportionate intake of carbs and fats

    Deficiency of Vital vitamins like A, B complex, B12, Calcium, D, C, E, and  K

    Now you will say you know all this. The Internet is flowing with this type of valuable information in detail. A lot of dieticians and nutritionists are active in the social cause of community health. OK

    Then why are so many people not perfectly healthwise Ok? I will put the same information in a different way

    If you eat those foods which will fill in the deficiency of vitamins in your body you are bound to live healthy till the end

    Over 50 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can keep you healthy and fit. What the body manufactures is not enough. These must be obtained from your diets and your supplements

    A balanced diet is the most sensible way of getting a sufficient quantity of these nutrients. The rich and natural sources of all nutrients are in the food you choose to eat.

    What is more important is you have to build a strong immunity system for a healthier and more active life.

    Vitamin A Defends against infection

    Vitamin C Battles viruses and bacteria

    Vitamin B6 Bolsters your immune system

    Vitamin E Prevents age-related decline

    Potassium Reduces the risk of stroke

    Iron Increases your blood

    Keep Moving: Fitness walking is brisk rhythmic aerobic walking. Walking is a low-impact low-stress form of exercise. When you walk your resting metabolic rate speeds up. and the heart’s respiratory rate increases burning off excess calories. helping you achieve long-term cardio